Thursday, November 30, 2023

Zielono mi + Moana (No. 209)

 Today a session from my, yet another, Goddess of Spring that year...

I finally got her in charity shop...curvy, strong and adorably heavy like vintage dolls...

The first part of teh assignment - flatlet in GREEM for #monday4dolls

mmmmm accessories

....skirts....oh, the choices...

Tops and belts

a gorgeous green heap!

Haha, ok - time to chose something...

Please welcome, Moana in Green:

She has never done it before - a bit timid...

Wait, of course plus size girls can wear dresses...

I think it's a smile...

Yup - another costume change...

Oh, I guess she is getting comfortable...

Mmmm more adventurous...

Ah yes - we are in editorial phase!!

...and some of my rainbow range doll pendants made a comeback <3

What a success!

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Woodland Raquelle was a veeeery cold spring that year...

but we went nevertheless, to look for the signs of Spring.... 

to my beloved Malden Rushed (Ashtead Common)

on the day of great national mobile alarm test...

...with a doll that I suddenly remembered that exists..

Remember her?
Barbie Dreamhouse Raquelle?

Today wearing denim set, handmade jewellery and a prototype of a felt bag...

Ok, lets carry this not-so-outdoorsy bag and look for flowers....

Nope, nope....

Ohm ok - first bluebells...

Prickly Gorse / Ulex

Oh, she is such a good model!

..oh hi pinky fingers...


...anyway - reed...but in bloom...

Such a pleasant colours!

This jewellery really suits her as well...

...a classic pose and a mossy tree is a must!

Oh, the ultimate source of flowers!!!
Mission accoplished!
Thank you wild apple blossom!

Oh, two in one!

Oh dear, I can't stop...

Look at that!
An actual sunny spell!

Lashes friendly weather <3

Oh, new flower unlocked - blackthorn in bloom me thinks...


Oh, how lucky - a second bluebells location..

We must pick some, please please pliiizzzz

Aww perfect colour harmony...

...time to go home - tired but happy...

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