Tuesday, April 5, 2022


 I'm not a doll romance girl but felt inspired for some sewing for an Instagram event organised by dolls_heart - a summer boho wedding. Enjoy!

Here she is - one of my earliest favourites - slightly rerouted Fashion Fever Lea

Exotic, pensive and boho - perfection!

...and here is my improvised hand-made dress from vintage and repurposed laces in dusty pink, cloudy blue and dove grey tulle

Golden sandals and giftwrap!
...and that crazy mid-century wallpeper I 'found in my flowershop recycling:-)

Here commes her +one wwearing sky blue shirt matching his eyes...boho artsy vest, whitewashed denim...and , oh how charmant! - a bunch of forget-me-nots!

So handsome! She is well chuffed!

(do you love my lockdown shellac?)

...and they lived happily everafter!

....Oh I really wish I had this amounts of time to play...without people dying that is...
