Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Bernados bundle

 Exactly year ego tomorrow, on 30.04.23, I was finally at the end of of a very courageous journey lasting at least two years - consisting of numerous courses online and in college, networking groups and serious draining applications.

After completing four interviews I got offered two jobs in Civil Service - my (subconscious) aim since I firs arrived to UK in 2014...It's been nerve-wracking and so difficult mentally after Brexit but I did it - now only weeks of vetting... 

We all know the best way to celebrate is a big box mixed lot of barbie stuff...I also got it from charity shop online auction so double good deed <3

Please enjoy my Bernando's £17 treasure (I only managed to open it in September late at night - hence the quality of pics - but everything h so exciting!)...

Brace yourself for a Lot Of Random Plastic stuff

Barbie hat, ken's shaving foam and whole lotta of Olsen twins... odd containers - blast from teh past....

This one contains baby plate and spoon...

Whoa! and sippy cup, rattles AND food jars <3

Seems like Eatin Fun Shelly from 1997 and Heart Family bits

Bag of mysteries

..and genuine Barbie suitcase....rattling odly...

to reveal lots of pink stuff...accompanied by nappy....

...fingers crossed for teh second one...

oh wow that's a lot of utensil...and such a innocent cardboard pizza <3 

Can't identify them - might be off-brand


Mmmmmm so 80s! cardboard pushouts mixed lot

Oh my Freezby, walkman and mike...

Workin' our Barbie and some Tropical set possibly

...What's next...more tinies and shoes....

Lolz Processed Foods, pink mobile phone. party challis and pocket toys...

Happy Birthday set goblet but can't find more...

Got it - Party Time playset...romantico in yellow

Little egg container preserved some Pollypocket dolls for dolls...

Oil camping lamp, more Olsen's shrine cut-outs, mini Babyspice and a skateboard...

...oh I have this purple dress...guess mic, headset and camera to come are all from SG as well

Then we have Tori the Generation Girl skateboard....

Hmmm clothing and helmet as well..well done!
Oh, and rolleskates as well, methinks...

Then a Hasbro Sindy crown greeting card from London in Greek alphabet and prunes, oh well...

Never used Olsen sleepers, more cardboards and a see-through shocking pink plastic bag....
..belonging to Teen Skipper (was she the first ever?)

Oh my - College dorm or messy teen's room it is....but a Nursery first...

These seem to be Twins accessories whilit shooting in UK...

oh wow, so many playsets - but yes:

How odd...cutouts instead of clothes LOL

Oh my heart, be still....Barbie bday badge,,,and a 'working' record player...

UUuuuuu more microphones, cameras and shoes...

Close-up time

Great shoe reveal:

Hahah my fav set - shades, Sindy journal, vintage carrier bag and a chicken thigh...

...scruffy dog and a bottomless baby <3

Last but not least - clothes galore!

Look at the details on this garment!

Yes - definitely Tori's...

...and yellow top to stuff as pictured earlier...and very Hasbro holiday items...

Mmmmm early 90s and more baby stuff - yay!

                            Rollerblades Barbie and Holiday Sindy
1990 Capri Barbie

Crib and bath time Shelly goodies

(cant identify this disney one)

...and then, suddenly these!

Apparently quite a 80s mix'n' match Pedegree set....

Denim selection

More nice and trendy Olsen and Skipper items...

Oh wait! More random stuff!!

Parts of the school set...

...again...not empty...

Barbie pink  / schoolbooks..

Always useful vintage foods

A d my beloved cardboard accessories - cannot wait to set few scenes with these...

I know you all are very tired by now....
...but oh, wait  ...DOLLS!

1996/7 Teen Skipper - all grown up!
Quite a charmer with her three dot eyes lol

...marvelous shiny soft hair!

...despirte being well played with stickers and glitter  ....

Green-eyed ginger -  Barbie Style 1998 1of3

...somewhat she does not photograph well...

Also the actual Tori doll as I have found most of her tock accessories...
(and hurray! she is different to my other blue streak, dice necklace one)

Last but not least - the 'shaving fun' or something Ken


...good legs but really don't like his face and hair seems tortured....

...not even too useful as a body-donor......very good clothes however :-)


..and then it was her...a charming version of Pearl Beach Barbie in not-so shimmering Sunsation bra...

Ah here are teh Shellies...

...told you its massive...

Oh, I get it now...

Super fun bath and fitness time!

Ufffffffff all done now :-)