Thursday, August 30, 2018

Japanese Barbie restyled

..oh now I regret not having photo of Japanese Princess with Benetton Paris Lara....
Here she is...on her new ivory body of Frozen's Ana with carved hips (yet she cannot sit properly and her hips are non-existent)...enjoying some contemporary and colourful outfits...and some company at last...

Here she is faithfull to her Japanese...stereotype wearing nice feminine sakura vs black combo...

...and few close-ups

..yet this colour officially suits her a lot! actually

Let's try something else now...still safe and stereotypically 'oriental';-)

 she felt exhausted from all of this over excitement...

 ...soon she was ready for much much more...
(or less actually)

.. and to the hell with the flowers!

 ...still a bit shy but happy to meet few new friends with same passion for fashion:-)

more to come!
They all are soooo photogenic!


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