Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Secret Spells restyled

Here are my beautiful and desirable playline Asha and Kayla from good old times...
with toned down make-up and reedressed n my fav earthy colours matching their original wiccan undertones;-)

I'm afraid I have enough pics of Kayla alone but hey! lets go!

 In first take I went with generic fairy-witch-medieval kind of shit LOL

 + some warewolf accessory;-)

 then the fantasy took me to the ancient oriental corners...

 - Why so sad? 
- My sleeves are oo long and I dont have boobs like TnT...

...and into contemporary, peacock-coloured garments at last...

what a beauty!

pfew! exhausted!
and courtain!
oh bo, wait - its Asha's turn now!
 making cosy curtain out of her stock dress - clever girl!

..and together at last - good witches! <3

these are my fav!



  1. płomiennowłose Królowe
    niejednego serca :DDD

    1. oj tak.. i mnie dopadlo choc niezamiarowalam...
