Sunday, April 15, 2018

The morning after

Too much is never enough but I have some mercy and decided to split the previous post in two...
Lazy morning and sunny kitchen table saga continues...

Today Lea and a pleasant brunet in the morning after.
(Because he has such a poker face I am not completely sure if they are not fighting a little bit... and because of her side-glimpse I don't know if she is blushing or gets intimidated...)

I love the light and all the produce (it's a wholefoods extravaganza babe!!!) and goods stolen from my son's Playmobil collection LOL


All the best!



  1. Światło nadało rewelacyjny klimat. Taki poranek, że pozazdrościć. ;)

  2. Fajne zdjęcia, wyglądają jak kadry z romantycznego filmu :)

  3. Haha, ciekawy temat sesji :D super ujęcia, a suto zastawiony stół robi wrażenie.

  4. Dzieki.
    Jakis dziwny program - 'Gotowanie w pizamie - Kasze'...
