Monday, March 6, 2017

Group session

no particular theme...
except of look at our new MyScene clothes and set of new shoes!

Spring fashions on some level;-) possibly.

Few of my favs from workroom desktop, few comebacks...

 shoes shoes!

free from her accessories and restyled at last!

 possibly one of the best dolls ever, and one of the first ones...

 ...and  a little bit of ethnic stereotypes, but at least my hubby carried this mask attached to his backpack all the way from West Africa..

AND...thats not end at all since Christie got her new clothes too... 
/and i love her fresh-from-the-box hair!/

hello, me again!

 country living or something...
 simplicity... and  a lot of colour...
(this is actually genuine Polish folk woollen weave from Lowicz region)

 damn! I dropped it, wait!
 and now smoothly overlapping with Lara's moments...

 from dolls to friends...

 possibly even a selfie!

and solo...

 skirt fabric basically stolen from wooden - croatian - lavender - souvenir - doll;_)

 very happy with how un-princessy she turned out...

***  ***  ***


  1. zjawiskowa krótkowłosa!!!
    ma fajną torebkę w brązach -
    Lara urocza hipiska / boho ♥

  2. torba Livkowa (pierwsza Alexis)...
