Saturday, July 22, 2017

My dolls, Nr 109

Today I will celebrate an arrival of a twin sister for my Hawaii Kayla (Fashion Fever 2004) - heather doll with a bob... Here is a seasonal fall entry about her:
Kayla No 56
I love her pensive tanned little face...and since she came nude and with her hair chopped I was delighted to see dirty poor thing on e-bay in her original lovely and stylish garment, which will change my doll's wardrobe forever:)))
Tottaly unplanned purchase, there have been a little bit of battle for her, and customer was slightly confused getting 10 pounds for an old doll...I got from him another Asha doll who looked particularly dark on pictures but turned out to be rather regular and damaged (still managed to re-sale her internationally)...

here they are on arrival:
poor things!
Kayla still with elastic on her necklace and Asha...
oh dear...
she's been wearing some genuine Mattel nightgown/summer white..

..and here is Kayla
 shockingly with her fancy, designer wedged sandals... very well done Mattel - 3-piece shoe for a playline doll (they are a bit of a nightmare to use tho;-)
Poor Kayla spent quite some time in a 'waiting'. Her hair were more challenging to refresh...took three stages, lots of soaking and hot water interventions...but now they are practically shiny and like new (except of fringe which disappeared slightly...)

Here she is tangled but ready for a swim with pile of summer laundry;-)
(this photo is historically inaccurate as it shows pieces purchases later than the described doll)

anyway, after 3 days off soaking and hysterical brushing she emerged ready for her photoshoot in original outfit (did i mentioned shoes are pain in the vinyl ass, arrgghhh). I added pink sunglasses, substitute of summer bag (Madame Alexanders) and Bratz water for refreshment...

 belly buton body was made for this outfit <3

 in very holiday mood:-)
 oh this fringe needs some more work obviously...
..and a dolly with a dolly (from Lego Elves series)

I love her! so sunny and fruity.
Expect sisters' session in near or far future then...

**  **  **


  1. panienka K/L w karmelkowej
    wersji wielce apetyczna!
    koturny zachwyciły mnie,
    ale to TROLINKA poruszyła
    najmocniej serducho ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. Dzieki.
    Uwielbiam ja (i zabawki dla lalek coraz bardziej tez, o zgrozo).
    Buty rzadza!
    Po wspolnej sesji siostr kradne ubranie i pracuje nad proba rozstania, bo naprawde...
