Saturday, February 24, 2018

Greek Empres mashup

Ooouppps I think I just discovered a forgotten ancient civilisation!

My Goddes, Empress and Princes of Ancient Textillya, Duchess of North Laces and Dame of Haberdashery has risen!

With a poker face she is she is performing a serious fashion mashup and a post-modern display of power... The best of my doll's clothes basket are:
- Chinese Empress patterned coat
- Brave's emerald dress
- Hispanic Barbie head-dress...

enjoy my people!

few basic portraits...

then I started to warm up...


...then it started to go places...
one caring Empress, I swear;-)

and I went for even more ethno-folk...

Mother of Dragons places even;-)

too much fun!!!
I remembered I have propper camera and that you are allowed to manipulate the doll pictures OBVIOUSLY and that I used to play with the programs a lot once (two babies ago?):-)


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  1. Przepiękna lalka. Zdjęcia super, bardzo przyjemnie się ogląda. "Dutches of North Laces" i inne tytuły mnie powaliły. :D

  2. Great pictures! The doll is fabulous :-).
    I know nothing about such effects in photos, but it's awesome to see :-).

  3. haha cool.
    Thanks a lot.
    Feels like I had quite a lot of time while preparing this post... times are different now:-(

  4. Beautiful photos! Very interesting camera effects too! Such fun to play with too!

  5. niesamowita Kobieta!!!
    i znowu zachwycam się
    reliefami w różu :)))

  6. Intrygujący mashup, ciekawy pomysł. Lalka wyszła bardzo ładnie na zdjęciach z efektami świetlnymi.
