Monday, May 6, 2019

Stocktake 2018

another callendar year has passed since my last annual summer holiday home-alone time.
Last summer however and unfortunatelly instead of celebrating I have been contemplating and packing up my life.

After dreadful sections of kitchen and baby stuff i have found some pleasure in gong through my dolls. Surprisingly I maneged to pack all of my doll furniture and miscelanous in one big tv set box - quite jigsaw puzzle but very satisfying!

Here is a nice compact and not so tidy doll gallery from thas moment in time of mine...

Box No 1

everyone is a bit nervous, noone knows what's gonna happen...

 getting dolls in order by face mold

order is the sea of chaoes

 beautiful Leas

(never)outshined Superstars


ugh;.. more boxes and sub-categories...

...apparently box of monsters, livs and projects...


Box No 2

other brunettes and AAs...

...and a lovely but useless box backdrop i binned...

see you at new home dolls!! 


1 comment:

  1. Przechowuję lalki w ten sam sposób - na baczność w pudłach. Jest ciasno, ale dzięki temu na co dzień nie widać ich porażającej ilości ;D Mam nadzieję, że przeprowadzka się udała sprawnie i bez problemu, a w nowym miejscu lalki też znajdą swoje miejsce :)
