Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Queen of Christmas (166)

Today, despite the title, post dedicated to my male boys.
Growing up in 80 with orange and yellow Kens I never imagined I will adopt a boy doll.

I wanated to honour and entertain my newly deboxed 2016 Holiday Barbie but she doesn't look too amused. Not a model muse me thinks - she is done this season with modelng and definitely not a big fan of Holidays; And children.

the first few went well...

the male models joined in...
 Brian and Ryan
she can barly take it anyway ...but then this!

children joined in... she couldn't be bothered no more!
looovely children...
 (yes, Sullivan Famly fashions do fit small mattel dolls and skinny Monsters)

awwww modern men!

** * **
Fantastic analytical article on Kens providing you with gems like: 'Mattel has spent the better part of six decades teaching children that Barbie and Ken are white; that Barbie and Ken are sculpted like Hellenistic statues, only pornier, despite lacking genitals;': https://www.gq.com/story/the-ken-doll-reboot-beefy-cornrowed-and-pan-racial

1 comment:

  1. widzę, że impreza była przednia,
    skoro coponiektórzy wylądowali
    na kanapie inni na podłodze :)))
