Monday, March 26, 2018

Mr Dolly no. 2/ 146

..and you will meet a dark, tall stranger kind of entry...

As it usually goes I just popped to my local Tesco for bread and milk but decided to just have a quick check at near by charity (had to sneak by the Flower shop I dream to work at but did not get the answer).
..and there he is - underneath some dreadful Action Man and some slutty modern Barbie - fully dressed with shoes, filly articulated and with rooted hair - my new brunet Sporty Fashionista Ken (nr 146 in my collection for 1 pound... (the blonde one is a boy-doll for my son)...

This is how he came...

 nice details and great colours!
not  a bad mold at all...
 Ok a lovely mold, beautiful lips and fierce blue eyes...
The bluishness of this guy 'inspired' me and I could not resist and as it was April (nearly year ago!) he had to face the proper flower power photo session...
he looks like a caterer on break in this shirt I know...

Hello girl, Welcome to my Blue Flowers' Kingdom...

and then I started to play with clipart:-)

who is the bluest of them alll!!!


(need to make him some clothes as he teared this vintage female blouse...)

*** ** ***


  1. Też mam tego pana i uważam, że to najbardziej udany Ken z ostatnich lat.

    1. ...poza Basickiem oczywoscie;-)
      niektore nowe twarze sa spoko ale wiadomo.... wydmuszkom mowimy nieeeee

    2. No tak, o nim zapomniałam. Bo go nie mam. ;)

  2. No proszę jaki wiosenny dostojnik ;-)

  3. jak ja już dawno nie
    widziałam niebieskich
    niezapominajek :)))

    zadurzyłam się w panach
    XL - póki co - mam 1ego../
