Monday, November 21, 2016

More bootsale adventures (08.05.2016)

I will tell this story from the middle because what happend first is still too shocking and over-exciting doll-wise (to even be true)...
Let's just say I definitely opened my mind fo r'other dolls' and option of 'reselling'.

I managed not to look in the eye of several Moxies and Superstars...but I kept digging - to my greatest surprise I fount thre packets of fashion doll accessories i cardbord boxes underneath the table... had my act on and after waving it with despise asked for his price - he obviously had no idea bit 50p for all of them was a bit on a crazy side. Just look:-)

I would absolutely pee my panties as a child (most of colour cosmetics is opening etc) but now they are too much of a plastic so all went to new homes...

Then two alleys later - family of four with two daughters not older than 8-10 selling (already) all of their Monstre a huge container of barely used, fairly new (like orange and black cat) ones with all accessories... This made me so sad...such a thoughtles consumption...I thought about saving all of them and buying, not the most handy, container... but bought only one I really liked to spend some time with her and re-sale..

Meet Jinafire Long, daughter of dragon or sth - beautiful face, narrow nose, acid green hair and golden body - lovely oriental stylisation with golden chrysanthemums head-dress (and a tail)...

Got myself an extra brush and a stand (hoes very well around Barbies tights;-) and I accidentally grabbed one of Scalita's accessory - scull vase with sunflowers... another very attractive and well designed doll I shouldn't look at;-)

oh the joys of a bootsale - lots of dolls for less GUILT xxxx:-)

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  1. super pannice - jeszcze lepsze dodatki!
    marzy mi się niunia z buzią skelity -
    bo sama Jej twarz ma twarz, mnie przywodzi
    na myśl wróżkę z "Cindirelli" :)

  2. bylm dzielna - wszystko ju uplynnione:-)
