Thursday, December 7, 2023

Biju in 16" scale

 ...because everything is easier in 16" and I keep forgetting...

Ice & Fire


...and back again...

and my most dignifies Model...

Grass & Dew

Oh these are dangly, can't find focus...

She photographs oddly ethereal today... 

My fav...

Happy Shopping!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Tea or Cofee?

Tonight one of my favourite series of last year - earthy selection of neutral palettes - in attempt to answer the eternal question - Tea or Coffee? #monday4dolls

Flat-ley warm-up

Flat-let close-up

Oh, I actually like browns...

mmm textures time for diorama / backdrop

Tea and a scone?

Beans of all sorts...

test test ...hmmmmm

Yes, now - much better!

...and milky Lilly J.

PERFECT Balance!

...and a wider shot....




LOL how dolls see me...