Friday, January 29, 2016

My dolls No 13

Today i'll share quite unusuall doll for me...
It was new and in a box - i got her from my non-husband because she had this amazing hair
and i am an everchanging in this aspect in red-pink-purple-blue range...

The longest and softest AMETHYST hair I have ever seen! and the bluest eyes ever...
/and cheap solid, hard plastic legs - didn't know such a dolls exist even/

Here she is in an original shot

Hairtastic Barbie

and with all her friends / clones

and here are some of my photos

and a collage where she is wearing, by all means, VINTAGE dress
made by my late mother with pure sky blue silkand vintage, at the time, lace <3


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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Breaking News indeed:-)

This is hysterical and i haven't see  it coming browsing 'ending soonest', 'used', 'good played condition' and mostely 'ethnic' or 'afro-american' barbies on-line:-)

The Barbie Evolution is a true revolution. Thanks Dog I dob't shop for new ones - i'd need to find a job at last and could never decide...

The only downside is the fact that it's not that special to boycott The Blond Barbie - not Caucasian and ones with colorful hair seem to be the mainstream now;-)

...what I love most about them is the absolute lack of make-up - lip-gloss, eyeliner, that's all <3

 <<<<<<<<((((((( 2016 eye candies )))))) >>>>>>>>

Head-hunter I got so inspired last night that going tothe charity shop was the first thing to do in the morning...
I was lucky - this waisted couple was waiting for me...

Miserable but perfectely slutty,half-nakedand tanned Bratz 2001 
and Peter Rabbit who had few adventures troo many...
I'll keep you updated...

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

my dolls vol.12

Today one of my lucky charity shop find...
I guess she was between 75 p and £1...
You  know i have a soft spot for dark-haired dolls and i never had a Skipper kind of doll in my life...
and yes - these green eyes..

here is my new-old doll close-up and haircare process:

Here she is dressed in only one matching item i lanaged to find:
 Then i moved to 'collector' and 'researcher' work... little did I know...
                            The dark-haired Skippers are actually called 'Courtney' /yet mold is the same/
When i searched for the green-eyed one she turned out to be rather vintage 
1990 model of Baby Sitter Courtney <3 :-)

after: Annalisa Bianca Fornasier
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Gift Idea - Rag Doll Portrait

The Christmas season is upon us. 
As for hand-made gifts it might be a good idea to start to order them now.
One of the most exciting and inspiring things I have ever done were these portrait dolls made to order from a picture.

Order yours asap writing to: office (at) roroism (dot) eu

Saturday, January 2, 2016


When you watch ToyStory2 with your children...
...a true doll collector's horror movie about forgotten, unwanted, unplayed dolls...

I felt so guilty i have spent all evening taking care of my collection - dressing up all the poor naked dolls locked in shared box...
Now they all look great - slutty blondes look very classy and so called' ethnic' dolls wear the finest vintage silk, handmade ball gowns:-) Now they just need to be photographed...