Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Rainbow (longhaired 80s)

 As we have agreed before - it comes in waves....

the 80s urge and lust for kitsch with a pinch of extravagant childhood memories aka dreams.

Today a little rainbow vivid nostalgia session with the super extra long-haired brunette Barbies...

Tottaly hair Whitney, Steffi faced Hispanic DOTW Barbie and Glitter Hair brunette...as I accidentally cumulated these matching outfits and appropriate hair accessories...

Long hair and short minis...

Quiet exotic elegance

...questionable lighting again but I had fun...

This dress is a nightmarish perfection

Whitney's hair are still very fizzy and puffy despite a good soak and tone of conditioner...

Ah, perfect

Last but not least - my Glitter hair brunette.
her green eyes fascinate me but She never goes with none of my adventures or stories...

...and now time for teh rainbow <3

So many joyfull rainbow possibilities...

ah yes..

Good night now <3 

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