Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My dolls, nr 83

What can I say...weekends before going on holidays and obligatory doll rehab were rather intense and for some ironic reason terribly fruitful...
super charming mini Blythe, Malibu Barbie!, Swan Lake Teresa, lovely Ghulia, 10" Disney articulated Aurora, Asha who is today's nr 83, Liv in full outfit and two dolly surprises growing hair.
Plus - XIX cent books bought from house clearance, nice clothes 50 p each, bag bionics for my son and last but not least Monster High furniture I haggled for...

Two carboot sales are too much excitement in a heat...had to call hubby to pick me up by car with a sandwich delivery LOL

Today I will (try to ) focus on my new Asha doll. She comes from blanket thrown on a concrete but nicely bagged for safety and hygiene. Opening is stitched cleverly with pink wool. To my surprise, despite having no shoes, this doll has complete and clean outfit with a tiny velvet handbag and her hat still attached to head <3 - all this for £1.50...

Her make-up is amazing, very-berry dark and much like Hollywood Nails (to my liking) - she is wearing very characteristic gown-coat in burgundy velvet...

I did not know at the time, but she is 'obviously' Christmas Victorian Iceskater by AVON 2000.

The basic, caucasian version had Mackie face and they came with a stand and red doll skates....

 Skirt is unfortunately attached to a coat. 
The coat is nicely asymmetrical with some draping on a back.

first glimpse through the foil... <3

I had ambitious christmas and wintery plans but mini session in my backyard (in pyjamas - before it melts!) is everything I could squeeze out of English winter...

and some pretentious sepia of course...
I have cheeky plan to restyle her for a twin session with HolywoodNails...
will she how and when it goes!


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  1. O rety, gdzie Ty to znajdujesz, świetne zdobycze, tylko pozazdrościć :) Szczególnie świąteczna ciemnoskóra panna, w oryginalnym kompletnym stroju, rewelacyjna postać. Nawet jakimś cudem załatwiłaś dla niej zimową pogodę za oknem do sesji zdjęciowej, brawo! ;D

  2. dziki zachod na szczescie sporo konsumuje a potem wypluwa - a ja lapie...
    ale tez wsztaje wczesnie w niedziele i pedaluje w dwa miejsca;-)

  3. wprost nie do uwierzenia - SUPER!
