Sunday, August 26, 2018

Mackie kapielowa

On 25.07.17 I stumbled upon an unusual brunette Mackie Barbie...
Very minimal make-up made me think about Mona Lisa and she grew in my eyes to some Renaissance Princess collectible doll...
You cannot see much...and the Snow White dress with puffy sleeves plays with your imagination LOL

However, even before sha arrived, my experienced forum friends recognized in her the Bath Boutique brunette Barbie from 1998... hence the 'removed' make-up styling:-)

Here she is upon arrival:

 poor useless playline - maybe I will steal her body for bending knees at least ;-)

 here is my sleeping beauty - in stand by mode while being 'a parcel' and 'a doll';-)
 here she is animated again by touch of hand...
with this 'renaissance' braid over her dry dry hair...
 here - after bath, hair spa and being re-bodied on Liv -  she can feel her face again!
 ...meeting new friends...her ginger cousin...
..she now has a new handmade blouse matching her coloration perfectly but she is packed away and I cannot take a picture...not even one...but she deserves a proper session!!

(might edit that in later)
