Confusion alert - very summery post!
Part 1 of our 2019 proper family summer holidays on Malta...
and yes, almost exactly one year later - as usual...
This year I took with me rebodied Fashion Fever Teresa and very 90s Hasbro Sindy's bikini!
on arrival - checking out room's balcony...
...more hotel details...
After we figured out everything, my missing suitcase, heat and directions we took local bus to visit the other side of the island - one with sandy beaches and blue waters
Bikini's first holidays ever and in 30 years!
Camera loves her!!
...oh multu-tasking...playing with doll, not getting sunburn, checking on kids if they are not drawning, trying to read and taking selfies..LOL doesn't sound like holidays much - you guessed!

The next time I took the same doll with us was on rocky short 15 mins walk from our hotel
(annoying to carry stuff but basically the only way to see something and get kids out of the artificial, and worse indoor!, swimming pool LOL
it was quite relaxing actually - nice snorkeling spots, easy no ladder access and semi-cloudy sky preventing me from freaking out and burning alive;-)
it even rained for a sec which is a bit funny when you are in a wet swimming suit already;-)
Luckily we had our private blue skies LOL
oh dear, who would ever think that the next summer will be sooo grim!