Friday, March 8, 2024

Sindy Hasbro (No 218)

 I have been reading something about them or eyeballing an ebay auction when I saw her in the wild aka my favourite toy / kids charity...Her hair was a disaster and her face's profile is well flat...but at long last she got reduced and I couldn't say no...

...finds of teh day...

So since she has violet eyes and a fringe I assume she is one of these 

yeah, almost sure now it's her - i think I even have her very 80's white ankle boots as well as ear-muffs in fact! mayve even the leggings if there has been colour variations)...

Her horse-riding clothes are much older however...

 poor thing waited over an year to be take for a pictures walkie...

but it has been a grand one - best of British - Kew Gardens!

She is ironically wearing a Sindy t-shirt from teh latest re-edition doll
 and lo-fi 80's mumsy elasticated skirt.

So many people but I was sneaky...

This ancient horsetail looks very much like bamboo for dolls :-)

Purple was essential in this photo session...

Matching her skirt.

...and few classisc.


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