Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sindies Coronation

6th of May 2023
Prince Charles of Wales became King Charles II
I managed to document some everyday objects and invited my most British Dolls to:

 Coronation Tea Party!

Coronation everywhere!

Let's gather some Sindy goodies sprinkled with britishnes and royal gold...

Midnight bunting making is a must...

All the baked goods ready by the Coronation morning...

Unionjack plants...

...and sea of scones...

..and now for teh wardrobe....also late night, bad light edition...


Models ready...including Dutch cousin visiting and that One Black Friend...

,,,and scene!

So many emotions watching telly!

Discussing fashions...

contemplating past and future...

and to wrap it up - few more snap shots from the real life

Half a day spent at work but all dressed up

...and a few official ones:


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