Friday, February 16, 2024

OOaK No 216 Relocking

 Today a walk in Vauxhall / Embassy Gardens with my new favourite - my first properly rerooted and restyled  Barbie - the whole process of deciding between sisters to sheering and needlework...

Really happy with the outcome but I remember I walked too far and it has been too hot...

Quite a sharp contrast of light and more people than anticipated so tried to be secretive in shade...

I must comeback - it's a really great big city & green backdrop location for dolls! she is indoors...not that i could control the lighting whatsoever...wish blogger was more interactive and I could edit pics within the post....

Here she is freshly from 'under the needle' as we say in Polish...

Rerooting.,,it's a night thing... much drama!

...the messy bit...

...bare but full of potential...

***  **  ***

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