Saturday, May 7, 2016

Strawberry chic

Time to show my restyled Cordutoy Strawberry... or something...
As much as I am not a colector;-) this dolll withher simplicity and charm tough me to appreciate, to say the least, Mackie mold. Love the full closed lips and gentle smile:-)

I am always so surprise how much they gain /the kitchy playline toy-dolls/ when they wear more realistic outfits and less nylon outfits:-)

Here she is in wearing my early teenage creations:

 the quickest pendant / necklqce ever - metallic thread and three beads:-)

lilac silk top, thick jersay jacket, vintage floral purple corduroy skirt 
and vintage vintage Barbie shoes from my childhood set.
I have to rememebr this amazing angle making wonders to Barbie's legs!

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  1. Ona winna nosić imię Nostalgia...

  2. haha, no wlasnie jakos nie moja...raczej Nie-szatynka-ktorej-nie-umiem-sie-pozbyc :-)
